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„Before their Diaspora“
Twelve Palestine Drawings / Zwölf Palästina-Zeichnungen
by Anis Hamadeh

(Deutsch:) Olivenpflücker bei der Ernte, Melonenverkäufer, ein Kloster, die Via Dolorosa, eine Wassermühle, eine traditionelle Seifenfabrik, Fischer am See Genezareth … in glänzenden Farben strahlen die zwölf Motive der „Before their Diaspora“-Serie Die DIN A3-Zeichnungen gehen zurück auf Fotos eines reich kommentierten gleichnamigen Bildbands des palästinensischen Historikers Professor Walid Khalidi über den Alltag und die Geschichte der Palästinenser von 1876 bis 1948. Alle Motive sind als DIN A3-Poster und als Postkarten erhältlich. Die Postkarten-Serie mit 12 Motiven kann man hier im Shop bestellen.

(English:) Harvesting olive pickers, melon sellers, a monastery, the Via Dolorosa, a water mill, a traditional soap factory, fishermen from the Sea of Galilee ... the twelve exhibits of the "Before their Diaspora" series shine in glossy colors. The 42 cm x 29,5 cm drawings trace back to photos from a richly annotated illustrated book of the same title. The Palestinian historian Professor Walid Khalidi created it to document the everyday life and the history of the Palestinians from 1876 until 1948. All motifs are available as DIN A3 posters and as postcards.

12 Bilder von Anis Hamadeh
(Auf die kleinen Bilder klicken / Click on small pictures below)

Press Release / Pressemitteilung (Juni 2008)
Metro Interview on "Before their Diaspora" (Jan. 2008)

The "Before their Diaspora" pictures are also displayed at the Palestine Poster Project.
In 2012 a set of posters was integrated in the collection of Colombia University in New York, see this letter.













VIA DOLOROSA (DIN A3) © Anis 2007
Subtext from the book "Before their Diaspora" by Walid Khalidi:
"The Via Dolorosa, Fifth Station of the Cross, in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, Jerusalem."

FISHERMEN of the Sea of Galilee (DIN A3) © Anis 2007

MONASTERY (DIN A3) © Anis 2007
Subtext from the book "Before their Diaspora" by Walid Khalidi:
"The Christian monastery of Mar Saba, commemorating a Byzantine ascetic of this name who died in A.D. 531. The monastery is located in the wilderness southeast of Jerusalem.
Mar is the Arabic word for "saint". Many Palestinian Muslim shrines honor Hebrew prophets and Christian saints."

Subtext from the book "Before their Diaspora" by Walid Khalidi: "The hills of Bethlehem. Note the traditional headdress."

Subtext from the book "Before their Diaspora" by Walid Khalidi: "The ancient craft of soapmaking ...
Palestinian traditional industries, particularly the production of edible oil and the manufacture of soap, were vigorous,
and Palestinians were increasingly active in the tobacco, textile, wood products, cement, and paper industries."

Subtext from the book "Before their Diaspora" by Walid Khalidi: "Muslim dignitaries conferring in the courtyard of the Ibrahimi (Abraham) Mosque, Hebron, 1947.
The mayor of Hebron, Shaikh Muhammad Ali al-Ja'bari, is on the right."

MELONS (DIN A3) © Anis 2007
Subtext from the book "Before their Diaspora" by Walid Khalidi:
"Palestinian Agricultural Production: Contrary to prevailing opinion in the Western world, the Palestinians were responsible for the bulk of agricultural production in the country during the British Mandate ...
Melons: of 125.979 dunams planted with melons, the Palestinians owned and cultivated 120.304 dunams." (one dunam = one thousand square meters)

OLIVES (DIN A3) © Anis 2008
Subtext from the book "Before their Diaspora" by Walid Khalidi: "Palestinian Agricultural Production:
Contrary to prevailing opinion in the Western world, the Palestinians were responsible for the bulk of agricultural production in the country during the British Mandate ...
Olives: of 600.133 dunams, 99 percent was Palestinian-owned and cultivated." (one dunam = one thousand square meters)

Subtext from the book "Before their Diaspora" by Walid Khalidi:
"Christian Orthodox procession on Easter Day (note the lighted candles) from the Greek Patriarchate to the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City of Jerusalem, ca. 1910."

WATER MILL (on the Auja River near Jaffa) (DIN A3) © Anis 2008

INTO THE SEA (DIN A3) © Anis 2008
Subtext from the book "Before their Diaspora" by Walid Khalidi: "Palestinians driven into the sea at Jaffa Harbor, late April 1948.
With the land routes cut off by the Haganah, tens of thousands of the citizens of Jaffa and neighboring villages fled by boat to Gaza and Egypt; scores were drowned.
Jaffa was to have been the main port of the Palestinian state envisioned in the UN partition recommendation of 29 November 1947."

NAHR AL-BARID (DIN A3) © Anis 2008
Subtext from the book "Before their Diaspora" by Walid Khalidi:
"A typical Palestinian refugee camp at Nahr al-Barid in northern Lebanon, winter 1948."
Background: "The First Palestinian Diaspora. By 15 May 1948 hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees from scores of Palestinian towns and hundreds of Palestinian villages had been scattered to the four winds in the neighboring Arab countries.
On 5 June 1948 David Ben-Gurion wrote in his diary: 'We must make immediate preparations for settlement of the abandoned villages with the assistance of the Jewish National Fund.'"

„Before their Diaspora“ – Palästina-Zeichnungen, 60 Jahre danach
Gedenkveranstaltungen in Deutschland und weltweit

(Mainz, 01.06.2008) Olivenpflücker bei der Ernte, Melonenverkäufer, ein Kloster, die Via Dolorosa, eine Wassermühle, eine traditionelle Seifenfabrik, Fischer am See Genezareth … in glänzenden Farben strahlen die zwölf Motive der „Before their Diaspora“-Serie des Künstlers Anis Hamadeh. Die DIN A3-Zeichnungen gehen zurück auf Fotos eines reich kommentierten gleichnamigen Bildbands des palästinensischen Historikers Professor Walid Khalidi über den Alltag und die Geschichte der Palästinenser von 1876 bis 1948.

„Ich wollte neue Farben in die Schwarzweiß-Fotos bringen, also habe ich leuchtende Copic-Filzstifte verwendet, um sie wieder zum Leben zu erwecken“, sagte Anis in einem Interview mit der britischen Zeitung Metro im Anschluss an eine Ausstellung in Liverpool im Januar. Inzwischen sind fünf weitere Bilder entstanden, zwei davon behandeln die Welt jenseits der Idylle. Das eine zeigt Nahr al-Barid im Libanon, eines der ersten Lager für die rund 750.000 Flüchtlinge. Bis heute sind die palästinensischen Flüchtlinge mit jetzt mehr als fünf Millionen Betroffenen die größte Flüchtlingsgruppe weltweit. Auf dem anderen Bild sieht man, wie Einheimische in Jaffa buchstäblich ins Meer getrieben werden. „In den Medien wird viel darüber gesprochen, dass die Araber die Juden ins Meer treiben wollten. Das einzige Foto zu diesem Thema zeigt genau den umgekehrten Fall, deshalb habe ich das Motiv gewählt“, erklärt Anis, dessen Vater in der Westbank geboren ist.

Die Sammlung ist im Internet ausgestellt und gehört zur Vielzahl der Beiträge, die in diesem Jahr zur Erinnerung an die Nakba, die palästinensische Katastrophe, die Öffentlichkeit ansprechen. In Deutschland hat der Verein Flüchtlingskinder im Libanon e.V. unter dem Titel „Die Nakba – Flucht und Vertreibung der Palästinenser 1948“ eine Ausstellung mit Begleitbroschüre erarbeitet, die ausgeliehen werden kann. In englischer Sprache gibt es zum Beispiel das Informationspaket der palästinensischen Organisation Badil oder das von „Nakba 60“ aus London. Weitere Quellen siehe die Links unten.

Literatur und Weblinks:
- Khalidi, Walid (1984): Before their Diaspora. A Photographic History of the Palestinians 1876 – 1948. Institute for Palestine Studies, Washington D.C., siehe z.B. Amazon, auch www.palestine-studies.org
- Hamadeh, Anis: „Before their Diaspora. Zwölf Palästina-Zeichnungen“, www.anis-online.de/bilder/stadtansichten/before_their_diaspora.htm
- „Die Nakba – Flucht und Vertreibung der Palästinenser 1948“, siehe www.lib-hilfe.de/infos_ausstellung.html
- BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights: www.badil.org
- www.nakba60.org.uk (Selbstbeschreibung: "Nakba60 is organising a series of cultural and educational events in the UK throughout 2008, involving prominent artists and intellectuals.")

"Before their Diaspora" – Palestine Drawings, 60 Years After
Commemorations in Germany and in the World

(Mainz, 1 June 2008) Harvesting olive pickers, melon sellers, a monastery, the Via Dolorosa, a water mill, a traditional soap factory, fishermen from the Sea of Galilee ... the twelve exhibits of artist Anis Hamadeh's "Before their Diaspora" series shine in glossy colors. The 42 cm x 29,5 cm drawings trace back to photos from a richly annotated illustrated book of the same title. The Palestinian historian Professor Walid Khalidi created it to document the everyday life and the history of the Palestinians from 1876 until 1948.

"I wanted to bring new colour to the black-and-white shots, so I used shining Copic Markers to resurrect them," Anis said in an interview with the British newspaper Metro following an exhibition in Liverpool in January. Meanwhile there are five more drawings, two of which deal with the world beyond the idyll. The first shows Nahr al-Barid in Lebanon, one of the first camps for the ca. 750.000 refugees. Until today the Palestinian refugees are the largest group of refugees in the world, now with more than five million people concerned. On the second drawing one can see how locals in Jaffa were literally driven into the sea. "The media often talk about Arabs wanting to drive the Jews into the sea. The only photo on the subject shows exactly the opposite case, this is why I chose the motif", explains Anis whose father was born in the West Bank.

The collection is exhibited on the internet and belongs to a variety of contributions in memory of the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe, that address the public this year. In Germany, the association "Flüchtlingskinder im Libanon" has elaborated an exhibition and a brochure entitled "The Nakba – Escape and Expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948", it can be borrowed. In English there is, for example, the info package of the Palestinian organization Badil or the one from "Nakba 60" in London. For more sources see the links below.

Bibliography and Web Links:
- Khalidi, Walid (1984): Before their Diaspora. A Photographic History of the Palestinians 1876 – 1948. Institute for Palestine Studies, Washington D.C., see e.g. Amazon, also www.palestine-studies.org
- Hamadeh, Anis: "Before their Diaspora. Twelve Palestine Drawings", www.anis-online.de/bilder/stadtansichten/before_their_diaspora.htm
- "The Nakba – Escape and Expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948", in German, see www.lib-hilfe.de/infos_ausstellung.html
- BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights: www.badil.org
- www.nakba60.org.uk (Self description: "Nakba60 is organising a series of cultural and educational events in the UK throughout 2008, involving prominent artists and intellectuals.")


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