Auf der Brücke |
Miniaturgedicht in 16 Sprachen mit 6 Audios
Miniature poem in 16 languages with 6 audios |
Language Jokes: 1. La nonna di Beethoven? Ah, la nona di Beethoven! 2. Un papyrus n'est pas un vieux slave. 3. Is it worth noting or worth nothing? 4. Expert's worship for ex-pats warship 5. Lüften, lütfen! 6. Iran is nice, but the markets are bazar. 7. I like the French, but they eat crap. 8. Wurst case: a bag of sausages 9. „Bistu jeck“ – Iraner sagt „21“ in Köln und wird schräg angekuckt. |

Weimar 2012 |
Workshop arabische Kalligrafie in Weimar, Fotoseite |
Jokes II: 1. Türkiye calls turkeys "hindi". 2. There are no normal lies. So don't normalize lies. 3. Living in tents makes living intense. 4. Put a bear skin on your bare skin. 5. No more Mister Night Sky! 6. He's what? An asshead? - No, I said: an asset! |