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(English) (2023:) Rula Halawani is an artist from Jerusalem. While this page shows some of her works from 2003 and 2004, she is still active and continues her work as a photographer and a pedagogue.

1. Irrational Photo Collection (2003)
2. Intimacy - Photos of the Israeli Checkpoint Qalandia (2004)
3. The warm light still there - Jerusalem Collection (2003)
4. Negative Incursions Black-and-white Series (2003)
5. Interview Rula Halawani (2003)

(Deutsch) (2023:) Rula Halawani ist eine Künstlerin aus Jerusalem. Während auf dieser Seite einige ihrer Werke von 2003 und 2004 ausgestellt sind, ist sie nach wie vor aktiv und führt ihre Arbeit als Fotografin und als Pädagogin fort.

1. Irrational Fotoserie (2003)
2. Intimacy Fotos des israelischen Checkpoints Qalandia (2004)
3. The warm light still there - Jerusalemfotos (2003)
4. Negative Incursions - Schwarzweißserie (2003)
5. Interview mit Rula Halawani (2003)

A Photo Collection of the Settlements
by Rula Halawani (2003)
Foto-Serie über die Siedlungen
von Rula Halawani (2003)

"Usually I call these words a statement, but actually I do not sit and write. I write while I'm taking photos. Usually my statements reflect my feelings towards my work, but for these photos no words could be written. I could not find my words because I could not find the images from my childhood of the pure hills of the West Bank. They were no longer there. The landscape of Palestine that I grew up with is gone. There are no longer growing ancient villages melting into the mountains, there are no shepards wandering freely, no olive trees hugging the beautiful hills. All I can see now are newly developed, ugly constructions. They are called 'Israeli settlements'. They grow like monsters slowly killing every hope of whatever current peace process is being discussed on the news and not on the ground. In these photographs I am speaking to my land, to my Palestine and I am saying sorry but these irrational monsters will be gone one day." Rula Halawani, November 2003

„Normalerweise würde ich diese Worte ein Statement nennen, aber ich sitze hier nicht und schreibe. Vielmehr schreibe ich, während ich fotografiere. Normalerweise würden meine Statements meine Gefühle hinsichtlich meiner Arbeit reflektieren, aber zu diesen Fotos kann man kaum Worte schreiben. Ich konnte meine Worte nicht finden, weil ich die Bilder meiner Kindheit in den natürlichen Hügeln der Westbank nicht mehr finden konnte. Sie waren nicht mehr da. Die Landschaft von Palästina, in der ich aufgewachsen bin, ist fort. Es gibt keine wachsenden alte Dörfer mehr, die in die Berge schmelzen, es gibt keine Hirten mehr, die frei umherwandern, keine Olivenbäume, die die schönen Hügel umarmen. Alles, was ich jetzt sehen kann, sind neu entwickelte, hässliche Konstruktionen. Sie heißen 'israelische Siedlungen'. Sie wachsen wie Monster und töten langsam jede Hoffnung auf jedweden aktuellen Friedensprozess, der in den Nachrichten diskutiert wird und nicht vor Ort. In diesen Fotografien spreche ich zu meinem Land, meinem Palästina, und es tut mir leid, aber diese irrationalen Monster werden irgendwann weg sein.“ Rula Halawani, November 2003

Settlements 1

Settlements 2

Settlements 3

Settlements 4

Settlements 5

Settlements 6

Settlements 7

Settlements 8

Settlements 9

© 2003 Rula Halawani

Photos of the Israeli Checkpoint Qalandia
by Rula Halawani (April 2004)
Series 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
Fotos des israelischen Checkpoints Qalandia
von Rula Halawani (April 2004)
Serie 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
Series 1

Series 2

Series 3

Series 4

Series 5

© 2004 Rula Halawani
"The Warm Light Still There"
by Rula Halawani (2003)

"My beloved city; your streets are filled with memories, with silence, with evidence of humans who cannot reach you anymore. Jerusalem I have never seen you this dark, empty and sad before I had to go back to your streets, to record the memories that are engraved in my head since I was a child, those memories are merged with other people's past, your walls are connected to history, to feelings, to who your owners are. In you where I found my body, in you where I found my soul, putting the two together I found myself just a human being who deserves to live in you free. I have always been scared of empty places, my stems from the feeling that people who once inhabited a certain place and left would not be allowed to go back to it, but the warmth of your light is giving me a hope that the good days will come back."
(Rula Halawani)

© 2003 Rula Halawani

"Negative Incursion"
by Rula Halawani (2003)

"Ten years ago when the peace process first started, I; like many other Palestinians was ready to give peace a chance. As the peace process developed, the events that followed filled me with worry: the worry of losing my city, Jerusalem, and the right of exiled Palestinians to return to their home land. The days went by and in my eyes things only got worse: more of the land was taken; more Israeli settlements appeared on Palestinian land, more killings. On the 28th of March 2002 I was in Ramallah when the major Israeli Incursion happened, I was shocked; everything around me looked so different. Every street and square I visited was dark and empty; no one was in the streets that day except the Israeli army and its tanks. I felt depressed and cold. The only Palestinian I met on the road that day was an old man. He was shot dead. I never new his name, but I had seen him walking around those same streets before. That night I could not take away his face from my memory, and many questions without answers rushed inside my head. It was that night that my hopes for peace died."
(Rula Halawani)

© 2003 Rula Halawani
Datenschutzerklärung und Impressum (data privacy statement and imprint)