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The Free Gaza Song Contest
Welcome to the Free Gaza Song Contest. Viewers were invited to answer the clip with their own versions, new lyrics, different languages or genuinely new songs. Deadline was December 31, 2008. Below you can see and listen to the results.
If you still want to contribute a song version you are welcome to do so.
  • FREE GAZA SONG mp3, lyrics
  • STAY WITH YOU mp3, lyrics
  • GAZA ON MY MIND mp3, lyrics
  • Press Release
  • Pressemitteilung
  • Copyright note: Songs, lyrics, videos and images are the copyright of their respective owners. As this is a public event fair use is appreciated. For commercial and media use please contact Anis

    Der Free Gaza Song Contest –
    Musik zur Begleitung einer mutigen Bootsfahrt

    (Mainz, 20.08.2008) Während vierzig Internationale mit dem Boot von Zypern nach Gaza fahren, um ein Zeichen zu setzen (siehe www.freegaza.org), spielt im Hintergrund ein Lied: der Free Gaza Song. Wer ihn spielt und einsendet, kann beim Free Gaza Song Contest gewinnen. Alle Details stehen unter www.anis-online.de/office/events/FreeGazaSong.htm. Hintergrund: Der Gazastreifen am östlichen Mittelmeer wird von Europa als besetztes Gebiet eingeschätzt, während Israel sagt, seine Truppen seien abgezogen und damit die Verantwortung für die Zustände ablehnt. Die 1,5 Millionen Bewohner des dicht bevölkerten kleinen Küstenstreifens werden durch eine strenge Blockade kollektiv für Aggressionen von Einzelnen und von Gruppen bestraft, die wiederum ihre Ursachen oft in der Enteignung der Palästinenser und des 60-jährigen Unrechts haben. Die Wasserqualität im Gazastreifen ist katastrophal und es sind mehr als 200 Menschen wegen mangelnder medizinischer Versorgung gestorben. Die Wirtschaft ist so gut wie zum Erliegen gekommen, die Arbeitslosenquote ist derzeit die höchste der Welt und die programmierten Streitigkeiten zwischen der gewählten Hamas und der von vielen mächtigen Staaten unterstützten Fatah erschweren die Lage für die Zivilbevölkerung weiter. Jeder, der zufällig in Gaza lebt, ist diesem Schicksal ausgesetzt, das den Menschenrechten klar widerspricht.

    Die „Free Gaza“ und die „Liberty“ segeln auf Einladung aus Gaza von Zypern los, ohne israelische Gewässer zu befahren oder israelische Häfen anzulaufen. Sie bringen 200 Hörgeräte mit, die dort benötigt werden, lassen Ballons als Zeichen für Freiheit steigen und möchten den Weg für weitere Boote öffnen. Aus Israel hört man widersprüchliche Reaktionen: Einerseits hat das israelische Außenministerium kürzlich offiziell den humanitären Charakter der gewaltlosen Aktion anerkannt, andererseits titeln die Zeitungen Haaretz und Jerusalem Post zum Teil bedrohlich Klingendes. Der maritimen Free-Gaza-Gruppe ist dies einerlei: Sie fährt nach Gaza. Mehr als 200 internationale Organisationen und Persönlichkeiten unterstützen sie dabei und Millionen sind mit ihnen.

    Und wie kommt es zum Song Contest? Zum Webteam der FreeGaza.org-Homepage gehört seit einem Jahr der Songwriter Anis aus Deutschland. Er hat einige der Teilnehmer persönlich kennen gelernt und ihm fiel am 1. August während eines Federballspiels der Free Gaza Song ein. Es handelt sich um eine eingängige Melodie, die leicht zu singen und zu spielen ist und die genug Raum für individuelle Interpretationen lässt. So entstand gleichzeitig der Free GazaSong Contest, denn Anis sagt in seiner Videobotschaft: „Vielleicht habt ihr eine Band oder eine andere Sprache oder etwas anderes.“

    Zu gewinnen gibt es unter anderem mehrere 12-teilige Sets „Before their Diaspora“-Bilder (DIN A3, siehe www.anis-online.de/bilder/stadtansichten/before_their_diaspora.htm) sowie Postkarten-Sets derselben Serie, eine DVD „The Sons of Eilaboun“ von Hisham Zreiq und eine DVD des Filmemachers Osama Qashoo, der mit an Bord nach Gaza ist. Zu den ersten Reaktionen auf den Song Contest gehören eine Videoantwort von Free-Gaza-Mitgliedern, aufgenommen in Zypern(http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=2mjwuvWHHG4), eine Einspielung der Musiker Angelika Wagener (Cello) und Ofer Golany (aus Jerusalem) sowie eine punkige Rock'n'Roll-Version von Lars RO aus Kopenhagen.

    Anis schrieb zwei weitere Lieder für Free Gaza, die inzwischen alle als Studioaufnahmen vorliegen. Zum Vers „You say it's all about a security risk / and you don't read no Chomsky, you don't read no Fisk / and I got Gaza on my mind and you tell me why.“ schrieb Professor Noam Chomsky in einer Email: „Sehr froh, den Song zu sehen, und sehr erfreut, mit Fisk verknüpft zu werden, besonders bei einem Unternehmen, das so mutig und notwendig ist wie dieses.“

    The Free Gaza Song Contest –
    Music to Accompany a Courageous Boat Journey

    (Mainz, August 20, 2008) While forty internationals sail with a boat from Cyprus to Gaza to take a stand (see www.freegaza.org), there is a song playing in the background: the Free Gaza Song. Whoever plays and submits this song can win in the Free Gaza Song Contest.

    Background: The Gaza Strip borders the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea and is regarded by Europe as an occupied territory, whereas Israel says that its troops have withdrawn, thus denying responsibility for the situation. The 1.5 million inhabitants of this densely populated coastal strip are being collectively punished for aggressions of individuals and of groups by means of a strict siege. Most of those aggressions, in turn, often have their origins in the dispossession of the Palestinians and in sixty years of injustice. The water quality in the Gaza Strip is catastrophical, and more than 200 people have died due to the lack of medical supplies. The economy has collapsed, the unemployment rate currently is the highest in the world, and the programmed disputes between the elected Hamas and Fatah, which is supported by many powerful countries in the world, further aggravate the situation for the civil population. Everybody, who happens to live in Gaza, is exposed to this fate that is far away from the Human Rights.

    The "Free Gaza" and the "Liberty" sail on Gazan invitation from Cyprus without entering Israeli waters or Israeli ports. They bring with them 200 hearing-aids that are needed there, they release balloons as a sign for freedom and want to open the way for more boats. The reactions from Israel are contradictory: on the one hand, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recently officially acknowledged the humanitarian character of this nonviolent action. On the other hand, the newspapers Haaretz and Jerusalem Post publish headlines that in part are rather threatening. It is all the same for the maritime Free Gaza group: they go to Gaza. More than 200 international organizations and personalities support them and millions are with them. And where does the song contest come in? There is a guy who joined the web team of FreeGaza.org a year ago, namely songwriter Anis from Germany. He knows some of the boat participants personally, and on August 1, the Free Gaza Song occurred to him during a badminton game. The melody of the song is catchy and easy to sing and play, leaving enough space for individual interpretations. Thus the Free Gaza Song Contest came into being at the same time, for Anis says in his video message: "Maybe you have a band or another language or something else."

    Prizes are, among other things, several sets of 12 "Before their Diaspora" pictures (29,5 cm x 42 cm), see www.anis-online.de/bilder/stadtansichten/before_their_diaspora.htm, as well as sets of postcards of the same series, one DVD "The Sons of Eilaboun" by Hisham Zreiq and a DVD by filmmaker Osama Qashoo who is one of the boat participants. There were some first reactions on the song contest, among them a video response by members of the Free Gaza Movement, recorded in Cyprus (http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=2mjwuvWHHG4), a version of the musicians Angelika Wagener (Cello) and Ofer Golany (from Jerusalem), and a rock'n'roll punk version by Lars RO from Kopenhagen.

    Anis wrote two more songs for Free Gaza and meanwhile all three songs are recorded in a studio for good quality listening. On the verse: "You say it's all about a security risk / and you don't read no Chomsky, you don't read no Fisk / and I got Gaza on my mind and you tell me why.", professor Noam Chomsky wrote in an email: "Very glad to see the song, and very pleased to be linked with Fisk, particularly in an endeavor as courageous and necessary as this one."


    01.01.2009 :: Thanks, and Now for the Free Gaza Art Festival ... ::
    2008 is over and this was the Free Gaza Song Contest. Thanks to everybody who contributed. Ofer Golany and Angelika Wagener win the Palestinian poster set "Before their Diaspora", because Ofer's version of the Free Gaza Song is very special, an easy, Carribean-like rhythm. You can hear it in the webcam version below, but I hope he will record his version with a good mike. I had the privilege to play the song together with Ofer and Angelika on stage in Frankfurt, Augsburg and Munich. Lars RO from Kopenhagen also receives the poster set for his original rock'n'roll version of the Free Gaza Song. These are the two original musical works created especially for this occasion. All other contributors will be contacted in the coming days and they receive a postcard collection of "Before their Diaspora".

    There are some prizes left and I received more interesting material. Therefore, the Free Gaza Art Festival opens its gates right now! It is an online exhibition of art work connected to Free Gaza in one way or another. You can still submit music, also paintings and what have you. This time there is no time limit and no competition pressure. L'art pour l'art. Apart from the prizes. And some special features. See you there!

    05.10.2008 :: A Small Song For Raghda ::
    In September 2004 Electronic Intifada had the story of the 10 year old Raghda al-Assar who was shot in Khan Yunis while sitting at her desk in school. It was the picture of the bloodstain on her new copybook and the details in the story that made Clara Legêne from the Netherlands write a protest lullaby for Raghda and for all the children killed in this endless and medieval Israeli occupation. Read the story and see the lyrics of A Small Song For Raghda by Clara Legêne. The song has no music yet, maybe a composer can be found over this announcement.

    Photo: Roger

    28.09.2008 :: "Gaza Don't Lose Hope", by Ofek ::

    From the Galilee comes the following contribution. The song is called "Gaza Don't Lose Hope" (mp3) and it is composed and performed by Ofek who translated the lyrics into English. The original lyrics in Hebrew for the song are by Symon Jester http://symon_jester.tripod.com. His website is www.ofek.com. Here are the lyrics:

    gaza gaza don't lose hope / the occupation has to stop / every protest people cry / but nothing seems to signify // bombers return to your skies / in your streets tanks mobilize / your defenders die again / your children are in cold blood slain // the subjugator again comes in / again they beat, they shoot, they ruin / now and then we cry against it / and your blood just spills on dirt / beit laheeya dir el-balakh / el-shati bet khanun and rafakh / once again they're trampled by / the feet of those they must defy // stand up gaza on your feet / shake those bigots off your streets / wipe your tears off and sustain / the morning sun will shine again

    Note from Anis: The word "contest" in "The Free Gaza Song Contest" was not meant very seriously from the beginning. The more authentic original works I receive the more meaningless becomes this concept "contest".

    14.09.2008 :: Lyrics ::

    Several people have submitted song lyrics for the Free Gaza Song Contest. Some of them might become musicalized until the end of the year. I collect all lyrics on a page of its own. Content: A Nation is Dying (Mariko Sakurai, Japan) +++ The Living Voice Of The Dead ... (Maya Terro, Lebanon) +++ While We Were Sailing To Gaza (Deborah Maccoby, UK) +++ I Saw Two Ships Come Sailing In (Deborah Maccoby, UK) +++ They've Arrived! (Hilda Meers, Scotland) +++ Free Gaza Song (Add. verses) (Chris Edwards, UK)

    26.08.2008 :: Joe Fallisi ::

    The Italian tenor Joe Fallisi joined the show! VERRÀ (mp3) (parole di Joe Fallisi, sull'aria di Amazing Grace, musica di anonimo) Verrà, sì verrà la libertà / La terra che amiam ci rivedrà. / Non invan sofferto noi abbiam, / Oh madre a te torniam. // Oh Palestina che brilli nel cuor, / Oh stella che arde d'amor!... / Sionisti, oppressori, tiranni cadran. / Verrà la libertà. // Fratelli Ebrei, vivete con noi. / Un solo Paese sarà. / Giustizia, eguaglianza insieme avrà / La nuova umanità, / La nuova umanità. – English translation: WILL COME (words by Joe Fallisi, on the air of Amazing Grace, music by anonymous) Will come, yes freedom will come, / The land we love will see us again. / We didn't suffer in vain, / Oh mother we come back to you. // Oh Palestine in our heart you shine, / You, love burning star!... / Zionists, oppressors, tyrants will fall. / Freedom will come. // Oh brothers Jews do live with us. / Ours will be one country. / The new humanity will have / Justice, equality together. – Tenore (tenor): Joe Fallisi, Chitarra (guitar): Leo Di Giacomo, Basso (bass): Giancarlo Galli, Mandolino (mandolin): Massimo Gatti, Pianoforte (piano), organo (organ): Onofrio La Viola.

    23.08.2008 :: We made it! :: Image by Latuff

    17.08.2008 :: Prizes of the Contest ::

    Three sets of 12 Before their Diaspora pictures, double sheet size (DIN A3) + ten sets of "Before their Diaspora" postcards

    DVD The Sons of Eilaboun by Hisham Zreiq. The story of a small Palestinian village tells the tale of a nation.

    12.08.2008 :: Noam Chomsky ::
    Professor Chomsky wrote about "Gaza On My Mind": "Very glad to see the song, and very pleased to be linked with Fisk, particularly in an endeavor as courageous and necessary as this one. Noam"
    The verse in question is: "You say it's all about a security risk / and you don't read no Chomsky, you don't read no Fisk / and I got Gaza on my mind and you tell me why."

    11.08.2008 :: Lars RO from Kopenhagen ::
    Lars RO recorded the Free Gaza Song with his guitar today at Hold Gore's Plastic in København, Denmark. He writes: "p.s. you and everyone you know are most welcome to come & drum with us for Peace here in København on Friday, 22 August – it will be our 2,500th day of protest next to the Danish Parliament, so we're praying 2,500 people plus will show up & drum for Peace! info: fredsvagt.dk". Lars is one of the organizers of 5 MILLION PEACE MARCH: www.myspace.com/5millionpeacemarch. Here is the mp3 of his rock'n'roll version of the Free Gaza Song that tends slightly to punk: mp3

    10.08.2008 (night) :: GAZA ON MY MIND ::
    Someone from the Free Gaza Movement wants a song that is called "Gaza on My Mind". OK, here you are. It is a band song, but I hope you get the idea (lyrics below): www.youtube.com/v/_TBMxTvicjY

    10.08.2008 (afternoon) :: STAY WITH YOU (FROM THE CYPRUS SHORE A BOAT) ::
    The feedback on The Free Gaza Song has been extraordinary. It made me write another song. It is called "Stay With You" or "From the Cyprus Shore a Boat". If you enjoyed singing the first one you probably will again this time. The lyrics and chords are below on this page. Try it out! Here is the URL to a demo recording, I'll do my best to record a proper version in a studio soon: www.youtube.com/v/XCAv6xgg4Iw

    10.08.2008 (morning) :: Ofer Golany and Angelika Wagener Play the Free Gaza Song ::
    Yesterday, Ofer Golany and Angelika Wagener played in the International Theater in Frankfurt and they invited me to play a song in the beginning. Then in the second set we played and sang the Free Gaza Song together on stage, with two guitars and a cello. It was a spontaneous decision and Ofer made a kind of Caribbean version, almost Reggae. The next morning the two recorded the song with my webcam, just to give a notion: www.youtube.com/v/-ZF-6HBsi2A (Sound and picture are not together, sorry again, I really am a musician, not a technician.) Ofer promised to prepare a Hebrew version when he is back home in Jerusalem.

    Ofer Golany is an Israeli songwriter and peace activist, active for the right of conscientious objection. He is often on tour, in several countries.
    Angelika Wagener is a German cellist who lives in Belzig near Berlin. She tours with Ofer Golany as "Conspiracy of Love" and plays on other occasions.

    05.08.2008 :: I uploaded the song here on this website for download in case you cannot see it on YouTube. In this version audio and video are simoultaneous and the sound seems a little better: FreeGazaSong.wmv (50 MB) [No longer online]. If you are participating in the contest you can provide an extra audio, I had a first radio request from Los Angeles. Also, I would like to give an extra prize for someone who can transform the song into a theme that can be used for docu films on the Free Gaza project.

    A reader's mail (tr. from German): "Hello Anis – the film comes totally bad – is it possible to synchronize this with the sound?! Love, S" – Dear S., Anis Online enthusiastically apologizes for the bad film. Reason is that light travels faster than sound. However, you will be completely satisfied when you read above that I uploaded the video on this website. [later deleted for space reasons (50 MB) 2023]

    04.08.2008 :: The Free Gaza Movement Sings the Song on YouTube ::
    Here is a first video response from the Free Gaza Movement, shortly before they set sail: https://de.youtube.com/watch?v=2mjwuvWHHG4

    03.08.2008 :: First Reactions & More Prizes ::
    Osama from Athens wrote in the comments on the YouTube page that he and his family will participate. Ahlan wa-sahlan! The comments also say that the Free Gaza Song was actually sung on one of the Free Gaza boats already! A friend called me today and said there is an Arabic and a Greek version on the way somewhere in the world. Wow! And what's more: there will be more prizes. Up to now I have six prizes to give away, among them two DVDs. Details will follow.

    :: Lyrics and Chords ::


    (Chords: D, A, G, F#)

    Free Gaza, Free Free Gaza, Free Gaza, sail your boat ashore
    Free Gaza, Free Free Gaza, Free Gaza, sail your boat ashore

    1) With a boat to break the siege people waiting on the beach,
    grab the first one in your reach and teach them the Gaza song:

    Free Gaza, Free Free Gaza, Free Gaza, sail your boat ashore

    2) Bishop Tutu has endorsed, he don't want no violent force
    "Through the barrel of a gun", he says, "peace can never be won".

    (F#) Tell me what you think of freedom, tell me what you think of love, love, love

    Tell your maza, Free Free Gaza, Free Gaza, sail your boat ashore

    3) Now you learned to sing the song, get on board and sing along,
    open up and in some time you can add a little rhyme

    Free Gaza, Free Free Gaza, Free Gaza, sail your boat ashore

    4) I want everybody to be free everybody every you and me
    Sing a song of solidarity, sing the Gaza song:

    Free Gaza, Free Free Gaza, Free Gaza, (G) sail your boat ashore
    Anis 02.08.2008


    - – D – - – - – -A – - – D – - – - – - – G – - -D – - – A
    1. From the Cyprus shore a boat is sailing to the sea
    It takes its way down to Palestine in solidarity
    it has on board a telephone and live stream TV, we
    stay with you pray with you we go all the way with you
    in the summertime, in the wintertime, always
    No one wants to live in a prison all alone, on their own

    2. Did you know that everyone has got the right to be?
    Who's talking 'bout security while Palestine's not free? See:
    we may not be here tomorrow, but we're side by side today
    and there's no army strong enough to make us lose our way, hey
    Remember all the things that happened in nineteen forty-eight
    This year will tell you all you need to understand this state

    3. From the Cyprus shore a boat is sailing to the sea
    It takes its way down to Palestine cause Palestine ain't free
    it has on board a telephone and live stream TV, we
    stay with you pray with you we go all the way with you
    in the summertime, in the wintertime, always

    Anis 10.08.2008

    1) You got your best shirt on and you're looking fine / D
    but there's something wrong for a long long time / e
    cause I got Gaza on my mind and you tell me why / A D (G A)

    2) You got some crazy friends and a speedy car
    and you like to be a superstar
    only I got Gaza on my mind and you tell me why

    Alright, everybody knows it / D G
    Hold tight, come on and show it / D G
    it's time that someone talks to me, talk to me, talk to me / D G

    3) You got a whole lotta walls all around your place
    I can't hear you move and I can't see your face
    but I got Gaza on my mind and you tell me why

    4) You say it's all about a security risk
    and you don't read no Chomsky, you don't read no Fisk
    and I got Gaza on my mind and you tell me why.

    Alright, everybody knows it
    Hold tight, come on and show it
    it's time that someone talks to me, talk to me, talk to me

    5) Everybody out there how can it be
    that a people is held in custody
    it means it could be you and it could be me, that's Gaza.

    6) Tell me how it is now, how will it be,
    why can't my brothers and sisters be free
    I got Gaza on my mind and you tell me why.

    Alright, everybody knows it
    Hold tight, come on and show it
    it's time that someone talks to me, talk to me, talk to me

    Anis 10.08.2008

    Lyrics Submissions

    (14.09.2008) Several people have submitted song lyrics for the Free Gaza Song Contest. Some of them might become musicalized later. Here they are:

    A Small Song For Raghda
    (Clara Legêne, Netherlands)
    A Nation is Dying
    (Mariko Sakurai, Japan)

    The Living Voice Of The Dead ...
    (Maya Terro, Lebanon)
    While We Were Sailing To Gaza
    (Deborah Maccoby, UK)

    I Saw Two Ships Come Sailing In
    (Deborah Maccoby, UK)
    They've Arrived!
    (Hilda Meers, Scotland)

    Free Gaza Song (Add. verses)
    (Chris Edwards, UK)
    A Small Song For Raghda
    Clara Legêne, Netherlands

    while you learn to write
    ‘I go to school’
    the grown-ups force
    each other to do lines
    sleep, Raghda, sleep

    while you take out your copybook
    a nice new copybook
    intending to keep it clean
    the grown-ups
    accuse each other
    sleep, Raghda, sleep

    while you write

    apple is tufahaa
    to play is bal’ab
    the grown-ups
    accuse you
    right through your head
    dream, Raghda, dream

    while you write

    blood is damm
    a child is walad
    a rose is ward
    a bus is bas
    ‘I like my apple’
    the grown-ups
    never give up

    while you write in blood
    in your new copybook
    the grown-ups
    give up
    on you

    A Nation is Dying
    Mariko Sakurai, Tokyo, Japan

    A nation is dying in front of our eyes
    You can close your eyes and choose not to see it
    You can walk away and forget about it
    But this nation closes its eyes to die
    when we close our eyes not to see it

    The world's largest prison with innocent people dying
    The world's largest prison with children starving

    A nation is dying in front of our eyes
    You can close your eyes and choose not to see it
    You can click and go to other videos
    But this nation cannot even to shout
    when we drive the last nail to the coffin of Gaza

    The world's largest prison with innocent people dying
    The world's largest prison with children starving

    (inspired by Noam's talks)

    The Living Voice Of The Dead ...
    By Maya Terro, Lebanon

    For every tear
    That you weep
    For every promise
    They could not keep
    For every child with a broken dream
    For you I sing
    For you I sing

    For every soul
    That you've ever lost
    For every bullet
    Their guns have shot
    For every child with a broken heart
    For you I sing
    For you I sing

    Funny how all we ever did
    Was sit and stare
    Funny how we never dared
    To raise a finger
    To raise a voice
    To try and give these innocent children
    A second choice
    A one in a life time chance

    To make them able to chose
    Their own destiny
    To make them able to lose
    All connection to violence and brutality
    To make them for once able to cut lose
    From death and animosity

    For every meal
    They made you miss everyday
    For every little word
    They forbid you to say
    For every child with a hushed scream
    For you I sing
    For you I sing

    For every year
    Lost in vain
    For every child's smile
    Erased by pain
    For every child with a shattered past
    For you I sing
    And for you I shout
    Do not fall, for you will not fail
    Do not falter, for justice will eventually prevail
    And only then will you rise
    From under the wreck and disguise
    From beneath the oceans of their lies
    With a heart of steel and a held up head
    You will rise; the profit once said
    To show the whole world that it's not over yet
    For YOU ARE the living voice of the dead!
    original words:

    klein liedje voor raghda

    terwijl jij leert schrijven
    'I go to school'
    geven de grote mensen
    elkaar strafwerk
    slaap, raghda, slaap

    terwijl jij je schrift pakt
    een lekker nieuw schrift
    dit schrift blijft netjes
    geven de grote mensen
    elkaar de schuld
    slaap, raghda, slaap

    terwijl jij schrijft
    apple is appel
    to play is spelen
    geven de grote mensen
    door jouw hoofd heen
    jou de schuld
    droom, raghda, droom

    terwijl jij schrijft
    blood is bloed
    a child is een kind
    a rose is een roos
    a bus is een bus
    my apple is lekker
    geven de grote mensen
    het nooit op

    terwijl jij met bloed schrijft
    in jouw nieuwe schrift
    geven de grote mensen
    jou op

    While We Were Sailing To Gaza
    To be sung to the tune of "While we were marching through Georgia", submitted by Deborah Maccoby, member of Jews for Justice for Palestinians and on the Executive Board of ICAHD UK

    Bring the good old bugle, boys, we'll sing another song.
    Sing it with a spirit that will start the world along,
    Sing it as we used to sing it, 50 people strong,
    While we were sailing to Gaza.

    Hurrah! Hurrah! We bring the jubilee!
    Hurrah! Hurrah! The flag that makes you free!
    So we sang the chorus, leaving Cyprus for the sea,
    While we were sailing to Gaza.

    "Halper and his pirate crew will never make the coast",
    So said Israel's government, and 'twas a handsome boast,
    Had they not forgot the power of the peoples' Host,
    While we were sailing to Gaza.

    Hurrah! Hurrah! We bring the jubilee!
    Hurrah! Hurrah! The flag that makes you free!
    So we sang the chorus, leaving Cyprus for the sea,
    While we were sailing to Gaza.

    So we made a thoroughfare for freedom and her train,
    Thirty and two hundred miles across the stormy main;
    Treason fled before us, for resistance was in vain,
    While we were sailing to Gaza.

    Hurrah! Hurrah! We bring the jubilee!
    Hurrah! Hurrah! The flag that makes you free!
    So we sang the chorus, leaving Cyprus for the sea,
    While we were sailing to Gaza!

    I Saw Two Ships Come Sailing In
    To be sung to the tune of the Christmas carol: "I saw three ships come sailing in", submitted by Deborah Maccoby

    I saw two ships come sailing in,
    To Gaza beach, to Gaza beach,
    I saw two ships come sailing in
    To Gaza beach in the morning.

    And what was in those ships, the two?
    At Gaza beach, at Gaza beach,
    And what was in those ships, the two,
    At Gaza beach in the morning?

    Some folk determined to get through,
    To Gaza beach, to Gaza beach,
    Some folk determined to get through
    To Gaza beach in the morning.

    And wherefore came those ships to be
    At Gaza beach, at Gaza beach,
    And wherefore came those ships to be
    At Gaza beach in the morning?

    To set the folk of Gaza free,
    At Gaza beach, at Gaza beach,
    To set the folk of Gaza free
    At Gaza beach in the morning.
    They've Arrived!
    To the old Scottish tune, 'Over the Sea to Sky.'
    From Hilda Meers, a member of Scottish Jews for a Just Peace.

    You've sailed, bonny boats, you are spirits of hope.
    With fortysix sailors from seventeen nations
    On two wooden boats despite threat of destruction -
    Exploring the storm, to bring Gaza the glimmer of hope.

    Across heavy seas, in the dead of dark night,
    Not knowing if death hovered near them,
    They sailed until morning light showed them the sight
    Of Palestine's shore, coming nearer and nearer.

    They arrived! Families gather, crowding to meet them,
    Amid cheering and laughter children jump in the sea
    Their hands stretch towards them ecstatically greeting
    The spirit of hope come across a wild sea.

    SS Free Gaza! SS Liberty! Their call sign resounding,
    These spirits of hope undauntedly sailed,
    From Cyprus to Gaza. Bringing aid, bringing freedom,
    Hands joining, in friendship they broke the blockade.

    Two bonny boats sailing over the sea,
    Over the bounding waves.
    At Gaza, all were weeping, astounded with joy
    As their two bonny boats brought the spirit of hope.
    Free Gaza Song
    Additional verses by Chris Edwards, Manchester (UK)

    5. People in Gaza have no food, the situation is not good,
    There are not medicines enough, to keep all of Gaza well.

    Free Gaza, Free Free Gaza (everybody), Free Gaza, sail your boat ashore

    6. Israeli navy let us sail, to Gaza harbour—don't delay,
    A relative of Tony Blair, is sailing with us today!

    Free Gaza, Free Free Gaza (everybody), Free Gaza, sail your boat ashore

    7. We are bringing hearing aids, so kids can hear and sing and play,
    The words of this song we sing.
    Some Unfriendly Reactions on the Free Gaza Song
    Anis, August 26, 2008

    Not everybody likes the Free Gaza Song, this is normal. Yet the hate mails and defamatory reactions I received so far can be called extraordinary. One guy calls me a Nazi because I wrote a book about Islam, another one insinuates that all Palestinians are Nazis, several people tell me that the Free Gaza Song is about killing Jews and supporting terrorism. When you listen to this harmless song you will wonder why such strong reactions happen. In our societies it is relatively easy to do this and get away with it when you allege that something is against Jews. The two words "Free Gaza" seem to suffice. Actually, my Jewish friends and colleagues shake their heads when they see the quotes below: Ofer, Hedy, Angela, Jeff, Noam, Rolf, Evelyn, Uri S., Uri A., Reuven and many more. I think it is good evidence to show what these people below have on their minds. Note that these are not just some freaky controverters: they follow arguments of the Israeli government, exaggerate them a little and mix them with insults. With some of these people you can argue, but not far. The western educational systems teach that Jews are eternal victims and there are powerful political alliances against "anti-Semitism", here in inverted commas, because it includes anti-Zionism and the defense of Palestinian human rights. Many of these “anti-Semites” got kicked out of the discourse.

    "dwave": Germans and Palestinians – some people never change.
    "majorleads": So basically what it all boils down to is that your song is about killing more Jews
    "nebo3003": 1. JA! Free Gaza from this murderous, criminal, primitive, inhuman HAMAS ISLAMISTS! 2. Do you have a problem with jews or why you are not sining a "FREE TIBET" song?
    "rafistern": 1. As I was saying before- I heard this was the theme song on the Kari'in A boat. Oh and also Nasrallah just announced that he would like to make this the Hezbollah national anthem. Dude, it looks like you were a really big hit. 2. oh, and by the way-- did you know that the majority of Mediterranean Sea is Palestinian baby blood? 3. (on my video of a TV show about my book "Islam for Kids": Oh, why didnt you say so before??? You love Palestinian terrorists because youre a Nazi.
    "Harounalmasri": Ridiculous song, but a great sense for timing: While 180 Fatah thugs are fleeing Gaza from what they call a "war of genocide" by Hamas and seeking refuge in Israel, a boat with international Jew haters sails to Gaza in support of Hamas. If you have to sing silly songs supporting islamist terrorists please: next time grow a beard and cover this shameless (umarried?) woman in the middle who normally should not be allowed to leave the kitchen except for serving food, in case you don't know.
    "primodelcampo": Is this the silly Chiquita-Song with new silly lyrics? Hamastan is free. They got a free elected Terror-President, plenty of weapon ...
    "gtamir613": 1. The People of Gaza have built those walls by supporting a leadership that only cares about the death of Jews in Israel. It is their stated goal – they freely admit this, it's not just me saying it. 2. It's more dangerous to keep teaching your children that Jews are pigs and they should all be killed – or haven't you seen the crap that is taught to innocent Palestinian children? I realize the truth is difficult to hear but it's like Golda said, "their will be peace when the Arabs love their children more than they hate the Jews."
    "SchuffleFusz": 1. Ah yes, freeing Gaza from mass-murdering theocratic wife-beaters and freeing the rest of us from degenerate culture and politics, particularly as expressed in song 2. Anis, how come C.s insults are not "incitement"? Is it because, like you, he's a Hamas booster?
    http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/: The "Free Gaza" movement has a song contest. Yes, moonbats with guitars are gathering to put together unbelievably bad crap they pretend to be music in support of the rights of terrorists to kill Jews with impunity. The video announcing the contest, along with a pathetically bad "Free Gaza" theme song, can be seen here. Since I cannot resist a contest, you can see my version of their song here. Most of the video and all of the audio is taken from the original but the lyrics and annotations make it a bit more...accurate.

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