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Datenbank zum Diskurs Palästina/Israel/Deutschland/Arabische Welt/Islam. - Database on the discourse Palestine/Israel/Germany/Arab World/Islam. |
2002 01/2003 02/2003 03/2003 04/2003 05/2003 06/2003 07/2003 08/2003 09/2003 10/2003 11/2003 12/2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 (ca. 2.000 Einträge) Die Medienschau Nahost ist 2001 aus den Statements hervorgegangen. Es handelt sich um Kommentare und Analysen zu Zeitungen, Onlineportalen, Radio- und TV-Sendungen und anderen Medien. Beim Relaunch 2023 wurden tote Links entfernt, umgeleitete neu verlinkt und solche, die zu kostenpflichtigen Archiven leiten, wurden deaktiviert, aber zitiert. Die meisten Texte sind auf Deutsch, einige auf Englisch. Studie: Der Antisemitismus-Vorwurf in kritischer Betrachtung (2004) |
02.11.2024, Tag 393 |
02/11/2024, Day 393 |
01.10.2024, Tag 361 |
01/10/2024, Day 361 |
15.09.2024, Tag 345 |
15/09/2024, Day 345 |
11.09.2024, Tag 341 |
11/09/2024, Day 341 |
02.09.2024, Tag 332 |
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02/09/2024, Day 332 |
29.08.2024, NDR, Sendung ZAPP: "Vertrauen verloren? Deutsche Medien und der Gaza-Israel-Krieg" (36 min). https://youtu.be/nmEsbam-EgY |
29/08/2024, NDR, ZAPP program: "Lost trust? German media and the Gaza-Israel war" (in German, 36 mins). https://youtu.be/nmEsbam-EgY |
29.08.2024, Tag 328 |
29/08/2024, Day 328 |
23.08.2024, Tag 322 |
23/08/2024, Day 322 |
15.08.2024, Tag 314 |
15/08/2024, Day 314 |
16.07.2024, Tag 284 |
16/07/2024, Day 284 |
16.07.2024, Tag 284 |
16/07/2024, Day 284 |
12.07.2024, Tag 280 |
12/07/2024, Day 280 |
06.07.2024, Tag 274 |
06/07/2024, Day 274 |
29.06.2024, Tag 267 |
29/06/2024, Day 267 |
22.06.2024, Tag 260 |
22/06/2024, Day 260 |
01.06.2024, Tag 239 |
01/06/2024, Day 239 |
16.05.2024, Tag 223 |
16/05/2024, Day 223 |
03.05.2024, Tag 210 |
03/05/2024, Day 210 |
23.03.2024, Tag 169 |
23/03/2024, Day 169 |
22.03.2024, Tag 168 |
22/03/2024, Day 168 |
21.03.2024, Eine Welt (Sag's nicht mehr) |
21/03/2024, One World (Don't say it anymore) |
20.03.2024, Herzog |
20/03/2024, Herzog |
18.03.2024, Tag 164 |
18/03/2024, Day 164 |
17.03.2024, Landungsbrücke in Gaza |
17/03/2024, Pier in Gaza |
16.03.2024, Tag 162 |
16/03/2024, Day 162 |
10.03.2024, Schuld des Feindes? Frische Zitate von Galloway und Blumenthal |
10/03/2024, The Enemy's Fault? Fresh Galloway and Blumenthal Quotes |
08.03.2024, Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
08.03.2024 Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
04.03.2024, Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
04.03.2024 Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
03.03.2024, Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
03.03.2024 Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
02.03.2024, Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
02.03.2024 Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
27.02.2024, Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
27.02.2024 Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
25.02.2024, Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
25.02.2024 Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
09.12.2023, Demokratie verweigert Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
09/12/2023, Democracy Rejected Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
23.10.2023, Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
23.10.2023, Facebook Anis Hamadeh |
Phoenix, 19.10.2023: Michael Lüders (Publizist) zur Eskalation im Nahen Osten https://youtu.be/trLEPHdcb2Q (1:22-2:58) |
Lüders: "You have to distinguish between moral emphasis and sober analysis, and sober analysis also means, of course, that you take a sober look at the facts and carefully weigh up what you say and what you don't say. We have just heard in the report that it is now considered proven that the Palestinians themselves fired the rocket that destroyed the hospital, the al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. But it is interesting to point out that yesterday an Israeli army spokesman, Hananya Naftali, spread the following message via Twitter X: 'Breaking: the Israeli Air Force has just hit a Hamas terror base in a hospital in Gaza, numerous terrorists are killed.' It's heartbreaking that Hamas is firing rockets from hospitals, mosques, schools, using people as shields.' That was on X and Twitter for two minutes, after which it was deleted. Afterwards, the Israeli army said that Islamic Jihad was responsible for it, and the evidence that had been presented for it is now also no longer on the net." - Phoenix moderator Hans-Werner Fittkau: "Yes, Mr. Lüders, now you come up with these quotes. I could come with other quotes from the other side, which the Israeli military has published today. I don't think this is going anywhere. There is no independent international investigation possible now anyway, so I would prefer, if you agree, to ask a little bit higher-level, so to speak, because there was a report earlier that Iran is asking the Arab world to break with Israel. So what are the chances of the terror regime in Tehran getting a hearing for that?" - Anis: A prime example of media propaganda. Some people say one thing, but our people say something else. Hence the overarching question about the terror regime in Tehran. The host suggests to the audience his Manichean worldview of the good guys and the bad guys, which neither needs nor allows context. Phoenix fights for a fantasy Israel in an alternate reality, as does the rest of the NATO media. Freedom of the press means that journalists cannot be held accountable for their martial sophism. |
18.10.2023, Facebook Anis Hamadeh Immer wenn sich Deutschland für blinde Solidarität entscheidet, tut es das mit einer beeindruckenden Entschlossenheit. Whenever Germany opts for blind solidarity, it does so with impressive determination. |
11.10.2023 Küppersbusch TV: Staatsräson - Das Wort der Woche https://youtu.be/diq584iu2a8. Anis: Eine Staatsräson ist immer illegal. Wenn sie mit dem Gesetz zu vereinbaren wäre, brauchte man sie nämlich nicht. Zu: „Im aktuellen Fall ist Israel Opfer eines heimtückischen Angriffs. Das macht es uns auf makabre Weise leicht, zu sagen: Wir stehen zu dieser Staatsräson.“ - Herr Küppersbusch sieht also die Isolierung des Gazastreifens, den institutionalisierten Rassismus, die Kollektivstrafen und die maßlose Unterdrückung nicht als Teil des Geschehens. Klar, denn er würde sonst seinen Job verlieren, wie andere vor ihm. Wann wird Deutschland lernen, dass es so etwas wie Rassenüberlegenheit nicht gibt? Mit unserer Staatsräson fördern wir einen Rassenwahn, das ist der eigentliche Skandal. |
A reason of state is always illegal. If it were compatible with the law, there would be no need for it. Re: "In the current case, Israel is the victim of an insidious attack. That makes it easy for us, in a macabre way, to say: we stand by this reason of state." - So Mr. Küppersbusch doesn't see the isolation of Gaza, the institutionalized racism, the collective punishments and the excessive oppression as part of what is happening. Sure, because if he did, he would lose his job, like others before him. When will Germany learn that there is no such thing as racial superiority? With our reason of state we promote a racial mania, that is the real scandal. |
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